Cas pratiques

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Rémi has a steady job but Johanne lost hers.

Their situation A few years ago, Rémi and Johanne purchased a house at a time when both of them had steady and well paid  jobs. They have two cars, one is leased and the second one is paid for but has  a low resale value.  Other than their residence with a mortgage balance that corresponds to […]

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Pierrette frees itself from credit card debt

Situation Pierrette is a widow, her husband passed away  5 years ago, she has 5 grandchildren. Her source of income includes ; Survivors’ Benefits, Retirement Pension Plan  as well as Old Age Security Pension. She lives in a small apartment and doesn’t own a car. Pierrette loves to take care of her children and grandchildren. […]

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Marc’s consumer proposal

Situation Marc works as a representative. His base salary is not very high, but adding his commissions he earns more than 50,000 $ per year. Marc is a happy going person. He is always ready for a night out or a trip south and  only wears the latest fashion. He spends according to his commissions, […]

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Pierre and Hélène have a serious financial problem.

Their situation Pierre and Hélène, a couple in their forties, have steady jobs. They have three young teenagers. The couple recently remortgaged  their house with a 150,000 $ loan. The mortgage almost represents the actual market value of the house making it impossible to get more from the mortgage broker. Remortgaging did not solve all […]

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